
积极情绪的社会功能及其对团队创造力的影响:隐性知识共享的中介作用 被引量:83

The Social Function of the Positive Mood and its Influ-ence on Team Creativity:the Mediating Effect of Tacit Knowledge Sharing
摘要 情绪是创造力的重要前因变量。当前研究指出,情绪通过认知路径作用于个体创造力,情绪通过动机路径间接作用于创造力。但是很少有研究涉及情绪的社会功能通过人际互动路径作用于团队创造力,即情绪会影响团队成员的隐性知识共享从而作用于创造力。本文采用问卷调查法,通过对57个团队(包含538个团队成员)的调查,从团队层次探讨了个体积极情绪的社会功能通过隐性知识共享作用于团队创造力。研究结果表明:在团队层次,控制了团队成员积极情绪均值后,内在动机均值则不再对团队创造力有显著预测作用;在控制了内在动机均值的情况下,积极情绪均值还能显著影响团队创造力,而隐性知识共享完全中介了积极情绪均值与团队创造力之间的关系。本文的结论对研发团队的创造力管理有一定现实意义。 Mood has close relation with creativity.Up to now,a lot of researchers have found mood directly affects creativity through the cognitive approach,and indirectly affects creativity through motivation approach.These two approaches arise from the mood's two kinds of function.One function comes from mood's effort on individual's working memory and information handling strategy.According to this function,positive mood will increase creativity as it makes the individual's thinking more flexible.The other function comes from mood's influence on working effort,which means the negative mood will increase creativity as it facilitates more working effort.In the mood research,studies have found positive mood also has social function.Which points positive mood can influence the group interaction.Hence,it hints that positive mood can influence the team creativity through group interaction approach.However,still few studies start to explore this topic.Among many kinds of group interaction,interpersonal knowledge sharing(especially the tacit knowledge sharing) owns special meaning to increase creativity.The aim of this study is to analyze how the positive mood influences creativity through tacit knowledge sharing at team level.By using the questionnaire method,57 scientific research teams belong to research institutes in China have been surveyed,in which 538 participants offered reliable feedback.The result of hierarchical linear regression analysis at team level shows that team's positive moods significantly positive influences team's creativity after controlling intrinsic motivation;while after controlling team positive mood,team intrinsic motivation could not significantly predict team creativity.It also turns out that tacit knowledge sharing mediated the relationship between team positive moods and creativity.These results suggest that mood will influence creativity through group interaction.Hence,in team work background,mood not only influences creativity through individual approach(cognitive and motivation approach),but also influence creativity through group interaction approach.It also points out that it is necessary to study the relation between intrinsic motivation and mood to better understand the relationship between mood and creativity.The results own meaning to team creativity management.
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期129-137,共9页 Nankai Business Review
基金 中国科学院研究生院院长B类基金资助
关键词 积极情绪 团队创造力 隐性知识共享 内在动机 Positive Moods Team Creativity Tacit Knowledge Sharing Intrinsic Motivation
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