【目的】为了进一步确定马泰勒虫的分类学定位。【方法】根据GenBank上登录的马巴贝斯虫Hsp70基因序列(AB248743.1),设计引物TeHsp70F,TeHsp70R,以马泰勒虫基因组DNA为模板进行扩增,获得全长为1 920 bp的核酸片段。将该基因序列与GenBank中23种已知虫种的相应序列进行分析比较。【结果】该片段编码639个氨基酸,其疏水性氨基酸达到208个,极性氨基酸167个。同一性分析显示,该基因片段与报道的马巴贝斯虫Hsp70基因(B.equi BAF02625.1)亲缘关系最近,其次是小泰勒虫(T.parva XP764717.1)和环形泰勒虫(T.annulata AAA30130.1),而与感染马属动物的另一个虫种驽巴贝斯虫(B.caballi BAF02619.1)亲缘关系较远。【结论】马泰勒虫Hsp70基因的克隆及系统发育分析显示,之前被定名为马巴贝斯虫(B.equi)的虫种隶属于泰勒虫虫种。本试验为马巴贝斯虫正确更名为马泰勒虫(T.equi)的分类地位提供了又一佐证。
[Objective ] The objective of the study is to determine the taxonomic status of Theileria equi (T. equi). [Method] According to the Hsp70 gene sequence (AB248743.1) of Babesia equi (B.equi) in GenBank, the primers TeHsp70F and TeHsp70R were designed. And a fragment with the length of 1 920 bp was obtained by PCR. The gene sequence was compared with other 23 amino acids sequences. [Result] The fragment encods 639 amino acids, 208 hydrophobic amino acids and 167 polar amino acid. Identity analysis showed that T. equi has a closest relationship with B.equi (BAF02625.1), and has a little relationship with T. parva (XP764717.1) and T. annulata (AAA30130.1), while T. equi has a distant relationship with B. caballi (BAF02619.1), which infects equine. [ Conclusion ] It was a correct taxonomic status for B. equi to Theileria species. And the taxonomic status was error before, for T. equi to Babesia species. In this paper, a proof was provided for taxonomic status of Theileria equi.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica