ZL21滤棒成型机组生产水溶性加胶棒时,由于水溶性胶具有含水率高、粘度大、流动性差等特点,造成甩胶轮甩出的水溶胶穿透性差且不均匀、水溶性胶变干后粘结在泵体上导致泵体频繁损坏、铜质的上胶及回胶管路遇水易产生铜锈、烘烤后滤棒易弯曲变形等问题。为此对ZL21成型机组及烘箱进行了6项改造:甩胶电机转速由原来的1400 r/min改为2800 r/min,甩胶轮由单排甩胶孔改为3排甩胶孔;上胶泵由齿轮泵改为蠕动泵,上胶及回胶管路改为增塑网管,加装过滤网和弧形开松杆,优化烘箱参数。改造后应用结果表明,实现了水溶性加胶棒在ZL21成型机组上的正常生产,设备有效作业率达到90%以上,产品质量满足了工艺质量要求,平均质量合格率达到97%以上。
When water-soluble glue-added filter rod is produced in ZL21 filter rod maker, the high moisture content, high viscosity and poor fluidity of the glue causes some troubles in machine operation, such as the glue is not evenly applied, the dried glue tends to buildup on the pump body and resulting in frequent pump damage, copper pipes rust, and the filter rods are liable to be distorted by oven-drying. Therefore, ZL21 filter rod maker and oven were improved as following: raising the rotation speed of applicator motor from 1400 to 2800 r/min; increasing the number of hole line on the applicator disk from 1 line to 3 lines; replacing the gear pump with a peristaltic pump for glue supplying; using plasticized net pipe for glue applying and recycling; adding wire filter and arc-shaped opening roll; optimizing oven parameters. After improving, the results of practical application showed that the normal running of ZL21 filter maker was achieved when producing water-soluble glue-added filter rod, the machine efficiency reached over 90%, the average rate of qualified products was up to 97% and over.
Tobacco Science & Technology