美国当代著名学者弗雷德里克·詹姆逊(Fredric Jameson,1934-)因其后现代马克思主义理论而扬名学术界。他运用马克思主义理论对后现代主义进行了批判,体现出了某种反后现代的立场;又赞同并采用后现代观点把晚期资本主义文化理论化为一种形象的、类像的、片断化的、拼凑式的、精神分裂式的文化,体现出了某种亲后现代的立场。在这种"亲"和"反"的辩证统一中,詹姆逊艰难而努力地调和着后现代理论和马克思主义理论,可是有些后现代立场并不相容于甚或有损于他的马克思主义观点,彼此处于一种非常紧张的状态,因此说詹姆逊后现代马克思主义是对后现代主义和马克思主义的一种艰难的调和,是游弋于后现代主义与马克思主义之间的一种理论形态。
The contemporary American scholar Fredric Jameson became famous for his postmodern Marxism theories in the academic field. On the one hand, Jameson criticized the postmodernism through the application of the Marxism theories, which embodied his position against a certain kind of postmodernism; on the other not tolerate or even damaged his Marxist viewpoint, and the two different theories were always lying in a very intensive relation, so we have to admit that jameson' s post modern Marxism is a hard reconciliation of post-modernism and Marxism, which is also a theoretical style integrating postmodernism and Marxism.
Journal of Northeast Agricultural University:Social Science Edition