
无名指和食指的指长比与运动成绩的相关分析 被引量:6

Correlation Analysis on Ring Finger and Index Finger Length Ratio and Their Performance
摘要 研究人类第二根手指长度(second finger length,2D)与第四根手指长度(fourth fingerlength,4D)的比率(digit ratio of 2D and 4D,2D:4D)与运动能力遗传存在相关性。结果显示,2D:4D在出生前就已经定型,其与母亲子宫睾酮浓度及成年后睾酮浓度存在着负相关。睾酮浓度会影响大脑右半球和空间视觉能力的发育,从而影响运动能力。 To study the human second fingers length(second finger length,2D) and fourth fingers length(fourth finger length,4D) ratio(digit ratio of 2D and 4D,2D: 4D) and the movement of genetic ability to exist Relevant.Results: 2D: 4D before birth has been established,the concentration of testosterone in the uterus with his mother and adult concentration of testosterone after the existence of a negative correlation.Testosterone concentrations will affect the right brain hemisphere and the capacity of visual space,thus affecting the exercise capacity.
作者 钟旭 黄宗能
出处 《柳州职业技术学院学报》 2011年第5期95-98,共4页 Journal of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College
关键词 2DD 运动成绩 睾酮浓度 相关性 2D: 4D performance correlation
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