Using the CIE-L*a'b* system to assess the color quality of processed spinach puree, the effect of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treatments (200, 400 and 600MPa for 5, 15 and 25min) on the color change of treated spinach puree during storage were investigated. The results indicated that HHP treatments applied to spinach puree induced a better retention of visual green color during storage (both at 4"C and 27~C ) than thermal treatment, maintaining the initial color quality of spinach puree. When stored at 4~C, -a" values (greenness) and h ~ (hue angle) of HHP treated samples were significantly higher than thermal treated samples and kept almost constant during storage, representing a more intense green color; L'values (lightness) also increased after HHP treatments and were almost constant with some fluctuation during storage, inducing brighter and more attractive color. When stored at 27~C , -a" values and h ~ of HHP treated samples were also significantly higher than thermal treated samples, but declined gradually during storage; L* values increased with some fluctuation during storage. Compared with thermal treatment, the color quality of spinach puree treated with HHP (especially 400 and 600 MPa) were better and more closely to fresh green color. HHP treatments had potential effect to retain the green color of processed green vegetable and prevent the green color degradation during storage period.
Food and Nutrition in China