明长城专题影像图是以明长城数字正射影像数据成果(DOM)、专题矢量数据成果(DLG)以及相应图幅5万核心要素数据为基础加工生产的。通过分析地理信息软件(ArcGIS)和绘图软件(Adobe Illus-trator CS3)的特点,发挥各自优势,设计北京市明长城专题影像图的工艺流程,并以制作明长城专题影像图为例,介绍了数据处理过程,说明两种软件的相互结合可以用于快速生产各类专题影像地图。
The Ming GreatWall Thematic Photomapping was processed based on the Digital Orthophoto Map(DOM),the Digital Line Graphic(DLG) and the data of 1:50000 core factors with the its mapsheet.Through analyzing the characteristic and superiority of ArcGIS and Adobe Illustrator CS3,the process flows of Beijing the Ming GreatWall was designed.We took the Ming GreatWall Thematic Image Map for example,introduced the course of data processing and explained the two software could be used for producing all sorts of thematic Photomapping quickly
Beijing Surveying and Mapping