上一篇《通向安全之旅--通过软件快速构建功能安全系统》介绍了一个符合安全标准的安全系统的评估方法,这一讲将主要围绕评估后的安全系统的具体实现进行介绍。本文将西门子安全系统的实现方法为主线,详细介绍西门子安全系统在具体实现时的接线、组态和编程方法。本文将通过西门子安全系统常用的工程软件STEP7和安全编程工具Distributed Safety Software来实现安全项目,用详细的实现步骤展示安全工程实现的具体方法。
The last paper introduced an evaluate measure of a qualified safety system. This paper is focused on how to realize a safety project by engineering tools after evaluation. The paper is mainly written for realization of safety project, and safety project's wiring, configuration and programming in detail. It also introduced engineering software STEP 7 and safety engineering tools Distributed Safety Software and shows the measures to finish a safety project step by step.
Instrument Standardization & Metrology