
基于构造参数的开孔板抗剪连接件连接性能的试验研究 被引量:2

Experimental studies of construct parameter on link function of perforated plate shear connectors
摘要 开孔板抗剪连接件是近年来出现的一种新型连接形式。为了研究开孔板抗剪连接件连接性能,制作了不同构造参数的剪力连接件推出试件,通过在单调静力荷载作用下的推出试验,测试了钢梁与混凝土翼板界面的相对滑移量、贯穿钢筋应变、开孔板孔周应力,得到了不同构造参数的开孔板抗剪连接件试件的荷载-相对滑移曲线、荷载-贯穿钢筋应变曲线、荷载-开孔板孔周Mises应力曲线及破坏形态等。结果表明:开孔板中增加穿钢筋及增大贯穿钢筋直径能较大的提高连接件连接性能,增大孔径对提高连接件性能的作用较小。 Perforated plate shear connector is a kind of new link form appearing in recent years.In order to investigate the link function of perforated plate shear connector,push-out specimens with different construct parameter of shear connectors were made,through static push-out tests,the relative slip of steel beam and concrete slab contact surface、 the strain of transfixion reinforced and the stress of the around of perforated Plate's bore were tested,Load-Relative Slip Curve、Load-Transfixion Reinforced Strain Curve、Load-The Around Of Perforated plate's Bore Mises Stress Curve and the failure modes of perforated plate shear connectors with different construct parameter were obtained.The result of the experiment shows that increasing transfixion reinforced in perforated Plate shear connectors and enlarging the diameter of transfixion reinforced can raise the link function of connectors bigger and the action of enlarging the diameter of hole is smaller to the link function of connectors.
出处 《河南城建学院学报》 CAS 2011年第4期7-11,44,共6页 Journal of Henan University of Urban Construction
基金 住建部科学技术项目资助(2009-K2-25) 苏州市建设科研项目资助(2010-88-04)
关键词 钢-混凝土组合结构 开孔板抗剪连接件 连接性能 推出试验 steel-concret composite structure perforated plate shear connector link function push-out test
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