
运动车辆探测研究的新方向与进展 被引量:1

Recent Advances and Perspective on Studies of Moving Vehicles Detection
摘要 分析总结了国际上基于遥感的运动车辆探测研究的进展情况,将运动车辆探测研究分为基于航空机载遥感影像、卫星SAR影像和光学卫星影像等三类,并通过对其特点的分析比较,指出基于光学卫星影像和基于卫星SAR数据的运动车辆探测研究将成为发展主流. Moving vehicles detection is a key technology to realize traffic monitoring and tracking in ITS.With the development of earth observation technology,it becomes a new research focus to detect moving vehicles by use of remote sensing(RS) data.A brief summary of the recent international progress in detecting moving vehicles based on RS is given here,and the studies of moving vehicles detection are divided into three types of based on airborne RS images,satellite SAR images and optical satellite images.According to the characteristic′s analysis and contrast of the three different types,it points out that moving vehicles detection based on optical satellite images and satellite SAR data will be the mainstream of development.
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 2011年第4期675-678,共4页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Transportation Science & Engineering)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目资助(批准号:2009JBM051)
关键词 运动车辆检测 航空机载遥感 卫星SAR数据 光学卫星影像 研究进展 moving vehicles detection airborne remote sensing satellite SAR data optical satellite images research progress
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