
基于多物质ALE的列车水箱晃动三维模拟及箱壁动应力研究 被引量:4

Three dimensional simulations of tank sloshing and dynamicstress analysis of the tank wall based on multi-material ALE
摘要 列车中水箱晃动问题是典型的流固耦合非线性行为,同时也涉及到多相流之间的相互耦合问题.基于多物质ALE(Arbitrary Lagrange-Euler)方法建立了列车水箱晃动三维数值模型,数值模型求解采用考虑流固耦合负载平衡的区域分解并行计算技术,分析列车制动工况下水箱中水的大幅晃动及箱壁动态应力变化行为.分析结果表明,制动减速度超过0.8 m/s2时水箱应力峰值呈非线性增大趋势;储水量增加,水箱最大应力相应增加;水箱中设置防波板,可明显降低水流对箱壁的冲击作用. The tank sloshing problem is a typical nonlinear behavior of the fluid-structure interaction, but also involves the multiphase flow coupling. The three dimensional finite element model of the tank sloshing was built based on the multi-material ALE. The tank sloshing characteristics and dynamic stress of the tank wall were investigated during train's braking period. The parallel compute consider- ing the fluid-solid couple load balance was used to solve the three dimensional finite element models. The results show that the peak stress of the tank wall increases nonlinearly when the deceleration ex- ceeds 0.8 m/s2, the stress of the tank wall increases with the increase of water volume, and the anti- wave plate can decrease the stress of the tank wall.
出处 《北京交通大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期142-147,共6页 JOURNAL OF BEIJING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51005013) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(20090460703)
关键词 任意拉格朗日-欧拉法 水箱晃动 动应力 并行计算 ALE Tank sloshing dynamic stress parallel compute
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