1Albert Jan Van Den Berg, The New York Convention of 1958. , 1981.
2International Council for Commercial Arbitration( ICCA), Yearbook Commercial Arbitration IV. , 1979.
3ICCA, Yearbook Commercial Arbitration X X I , 1996.
4ICCA,Yearbook Commercial Arbitration I , 1976.
5Albert Jan Van Den Berg, Improving the Efficiency of Arbitration Agreements and Awards: 40 Years of Application of the New York Convention. , 1999.
6Paul D. Friedland , The Relevance of International Standards in the Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements Under the New York Convention. ,6 The American Review of International Arbitration, 1995.
7J. Mcmahon, Implementation of UN Convention of New York in U. S. , 2 Journal of Maritime and Commerce, 1971.
8Emmanual Gaillard, John Savage, Fouchard Gaillard Goldman on International Commercial Arbitration, CITIC Publishing House, 2004.