
成骨细胞力致钙响应和钙传递的研究进展 被引量:6

Advances of mechanical stimulation-induced calcium response and transfer in osteoblasts
摘要 钙是骨系细胞内和细胞间的重要信号分子,同时也是细胞外矿物基质的主要组成部分。尽管100多年的科学实践已经证明力学刺激可以影响骨系细胞内的分子信号转导、细胞间的通讯和协同作用以及组织水平的骨矿化和骨吸收,但为了阐明力致骨重建的机制,仍需在力致钙响应和钙传递方面进行更加深入的研究。本文总结了近年来在成骨细胞的力致钙响应和钙传递方面的研究进展,包括:(1)研究细胞力致钙响应和传递的主要实验手段;(2)成骨细胞感受力学刺激并发生钙响应的钙来源和机制;(3)细胞间钙传递的路径;(4)成骨细胞内力致钙响应和细胞间钙传递的特征参数。最后对该领域未来可能的研究方向进行了展望。 Calcium is not only the important signaling molecule within and between bone cells,but also the primary component of extracellular matrix in bone.It has been demonstrated during the past over 100 years that mechanical stimulations can regulate the molecular signal transduction and intercellular communication in bone cells as well as the bone mineralization and resorption at tissue level,but further more researches are still needed to give insight into the mechanism of mechanical stimulation-induced bone remodeling.This paper will summarize the related works on the following aspects:(1) the primary experimental approaches for studying mechanical stimulation-induced calcium response and transfer in osteoblasts,(2) the calcium sources and mechanism of calcium response in osteoblasts,(3) the intercellular calcium transfer pathways and(4) characteristic parameters of calcium response and transfer in osteoblasts.Finally,several potential research directions in this field are presented in the paper.
出处 《医用生物力学》 EI CAS CSCD 2011年第4期382-388,共7页 Journal of Medical Biomechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(30970707) 科技部国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2009AA02Z407)的支持
关键词 成骨细胞 钙响应 钙传递 力学刺激 信号转导 Osteoblasts Calcium response Calcium transfer Mechanical stimulation Signal transduction
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