
以犬驱虫为主的防治模式在青南高原棘球蚴病高流行区防治试点的效果 被引量:7

Effect of Control Pattern with Emphasis on Canine Deworming in a Pilot of Echinococcosis in Highly Endemic Area,Southern Qinghai Plateau
摘要 目的评价以犬驱虫为主的防治模式在青南高原棘球蚴病高流行区防治试点的效果,为建立高流行区棘球蚴病的防治模式提供参考。方法2008年8月选择青海省称多县歇武镇的4个行政村为试点村。对居民进行棘球蚴病防治知识知晓情况和犬感染情况(粪抗原检测)的基线调查。随后对试点村实行干预,以牧业组为单元,每月15日为固定的犬驱虫日(吡喹酮1~2片/犬),并对村民进行健康宣教、选定并培训防治骨干和动员群众参与防治。2009年10月对试点村进行干预后调查,内容同基线调查,评价干预措施实施后的效果。结果干预措施实施后,居民棘球蚴病防治知识知晓率由76.1%(1721226)提高至98.8%(2371240)(x^2=55.6,P〈0.01),犬粪抗原检测阳性率由32.6%(43/132) 下降至4.2%(5/120)(x^2=32.9,P〈0.01)。结论通过实施干预措施,居民棘球蚴病防治知识知晓率显著提高,犬感染率显著下降。 Objective To evaluate the effect of control pattern with an emphasis on canine deworming in a pilot of echinoeoeeosis in highly endemic area of southern Qinghai Plateau. Methods Four pasturing villages in Xiewu Township of Chengduo County were selected as pilot villages in August of 2008. Baseline survey on awareness of echinococcosis prevention knowledge among residents and status of dogs' infection (coproantigen ELISA) was carried out in the villages. After baseline survey, measures of minimizing the control unit, setting up 15th of each month as fixed canine purgation date (praziquantel 1-2 pill/dog) , giving health education to residents, selecting and training control personnel, and mobilizing local residents to participate in control of echinoeoceosis were performed. In October of 2009, a snrvey was carried out with the same contents as baseline survey to evaluate the effect of the control pattern. Results After intervention, the awareness rate on echinococcosis prevention knowledge in the residents increased from 76A% (172/226) in 2008 to 98.8% (2371240) (x^2=-55.6, P〈0.01) . The positive rate of eoproantigen ELISA for canine echinoeoceosis decreased from 32.6% (43/132) to 4.2% (5/120) (x^2=32.9, P〈0.01) . Conclusion The knowledge awareness on eehinocoeeosis prevention in residents increased and infection rate in dogs decreased considerably after intervention.
出处 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期293-295,共3页 Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
关键词 青海高原 棘球蚴病 高流行区 防治模式 试点 效果 Oinghai Plateau Echinococcosis Highly endemic area Control pattern Pilot Effect
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