
两种不同设计的刮舌器清除口臭效果的比较研究 被引量:1

Clinical Study on Effect of Two Differrent Design Tongue Scrapers on Oral Malodor
摘要 目的:比较两种有代表性的刮舌器对口臭的短期和长期治疗效果。方法:采用嗅觉法计分和检测挥发性硫化物(VSC)水平评估1d内和3周内使用无让性的塑料刃刮舌器和有让性的橡胶刃刮舌器的抗口臭效果,并与使用氯己定漱口水组及安慰剂组进行比较。结果:1d内的结果显示氯己定漱口水组和2种刮舌器组在第3、6h的抗口臭效果比安慰剂组强,而2种刮舌器的抗口臭效果更优于氯己定漱口水;3周内的结果显示氯己定组、塑料刃组和橡胶刃组在第1、2、3周的嗅觉法计分和VSC水平均低于安慰剂组,在第3周橡胶刃组的嗅觉法计分和VSC水平低于塑料刃组。结论:刮舌器的抗口臭效果均优于氯己定漱口水,橡胶刃刮舌器的长期效果要优于硬质塑料刃刮舌器。 Objectives:To evaluate short-and long-term effects of two representative tongue scrapers on oral malodor.Methods:The organoleptic score and volatile sulfur compound(VSC) level were used to evaluate the effect of rigid plastic and soft rubber blade tongue scrapers on oral malodor within one day and three weeks period,which was compared with that of the chlorhexidine mouthrinse group and the placebo group.Results:The chloehexidine mouthrinse and two tongue scrapers showed better effects than the placebo at hour 3 and 6,respectively.The chlorhexidine,rigid blade and soft blade groups all had lower organoleptic scores and VSC levels than the placebo group,while the 2 tongue scraper groups showed better effects on removing oral malodor than the chlorhexidine rinse group.At week 3 the soft blade group had lower organoleptic scores and VSC levles than the rigid blade group.Conclusion:Tongue scrapers are superior to the chlorhexidine rinse in reducing organoleptic scores and VSC levels,and the tongue scrapers with a soft blade are better than those with a rigid blade when the long-term outcome is concerned.
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期680-682,共3页 Journal of Oral Science Research
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助(编号:20070486012) 国家自然科学基金项目资助(编号:30973314)
关键词 口臭 刮舌器 漱口水 口腔卫生 Oral malodor Tongue scraper Mouthrinse Oral hygiene
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