
父母关爱行为与儿童社会退缩行为——以儿童个体情绪调节为中介的实证研究 被引量:8

Parental Warmth and Children's Social Withdrawn: The Mediating Role of Children's Emotion Regulation
摘要 通过对215名小学一年级儿童父母与教师的问卷调查,考察了父母关爱这一社会环境因素以及学龄儿童个体情绪调节能力这一认知因素对儿童社会退缩行为的影响,并分析了母亲与父亲关爱行为对子女社会退缩行为影响机制的异同。结果表明,母亲对孩子的接纳与严厉行为高于父亲,父亲对孩子的忽略高于母亲。母亲关爱不存在儿童性别差异,而父亲更容易忽视女孩的需要。结构方程分析表明母亲与父亲的教养行为对子女退缩行为的影响模式不同:母亲关爱通过子女个体情绪调节变量对社会退缩行为起作用;而父亲关爱行为则直接影响子女社会退缩行为。 This study investigated the relationships among parental warmth,children's emotion regulation,and children's withdrawal behavior,with a central focus on exploring both mother's and father's influences in Chinese context.Total of 215 participants(mother-father pairs) were recruited through primary schools in Guangzhou City.Teacher-reported children's emotion regulation scores were collected as well.Results indicated that mothers present more acceptance and aggressive behavior than fathers.Fathers gave more neglect than mothers did.Moreover,there was no children's gender difference in maternal warmth.But fathers tended to give more neglect to girls than boys.Structural equation modeling analysis showed that children's emotion regulation had a significant mediating effect on the relation between maternal warmth and children's social withdrawn.Paternal warmth had a direct influence on children's withdrawal behavior.
作者 徐岩
出处 《南京农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第3期95-102,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 中山大学"211"专项基金 中山大学青年教师起步资助计划(23000-3126171) 第四十七批中国博士后科学基金(20100470967)
关键词 父母关爱 情绪调节 社会退缩行为 学龄儿童 Parental Warmth Emotion Regulation Withdrawal Behavior School-age Children
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