目的了解"5.12"地震后3年绵阳市卫生防疫工作措施与效果,旨在确保大灾之后三年无大疫的控制目标。方法搜集、整理绵阳震后传染病疫情资料及卫生防疫工作相关报表与专题调查及报告,提出相关卫生防疫措施:整合资源、统筹指挥,卫生防疫工作覆盖到村;规范应急处置,统一技术方案;加强环境卫生治理和消杀防疫,消除病媒生物性疾病隐患;防止食源性疾病与食物中毒发生,严格食品卫生监督监测;保证灾区饮水安全,加强现场监测与实验室检测相结合;加快能力恢复,注重疫情监测报告与分析;加强应急接种,建立有效免疫屏障;积极开展健康教育,普及灾后卫生防病知识,开展灾民安置点及学校卫生督导检查,控制群体危险因素发生;开展病媒生物监测,防止媒介生物孳生,研究"5.12"地震后3年绵阳市卫生防疫工作状况,分析卫生防疫工作效果。结果由于卫生防疫工作应对措施得当,灾区卫生状况得到明显改善,截止2011年1月未发生甲类传染病及暴发疫情和突发公共卫生事件,乙、丙类传染病报告发病率(24.0938/10万)较地震前(2008年)同期水平(29.1069/10万)下降了17.22%。结论 5.12地震后绵阳市卫生防疫工作措施,科学有效,处置有力,确保了大灾之后3年无大疫的控制目标,对特大自然灾害后的卫生防疫工作有较大的指导意义和参考价值。
[Objective]To understand the health and epidemic prevention measures and effects of three years after 5.12 earthquake in Mianyang City,to ensure that no major epidemic disease. [Methods]The information on infectious diseases,health and epidemic prevention work-related statements,the special investigation and report were collected;related epidemic prevention measures were proposed,including integration of resources,coordination command,health and epidemic prevention work coverage to the village;standardized emergency,unified technical plan;strengthening environmental health management and disinfection,elimination of risks of disease vectors;prevention of food-borne diseases and food poisoning,strict supervision and monitoring of food hygiene;ensuring the safety of drinking water,strengthening the combination of field monitoring and laboratory testing;accelerating the capacity recovery,focusing on analysis and surveillance of epidemic report;strengthening emergency vaccination,establishing effective immune barrier;active in health education,popularization knowledge of disease prevention among people after disaster;enhancing supervision and inspection of school health in victim settlements,carrying out vector monitoring,controlling vector breeding.Through study on health and epidemic prevention measures and effects in Mianyang City 3 years after earthquake the effects of health and epidemic prevention were analyzed. [Results]Due to the properly epidemic prevention work,the health status in disaster area was significantly improved.No case of category A infectious disease and related outbreak and public health emergencies had occurred until January 2011.Compared to the same period before earthquake(2008),the reported incidence of infectious disease category B and C decreased by 17.22%(from 24.0938 /100 000 in 2008 to 29.1069/100 000 in 2011). [Conclusion]The health and epidemic prevention measures adopted after earthquake in Mianyang City are scientific and effective,which achieves the goal that no major epidemic disease and provide reference for health and epidemic prevention work after massive natural disasters.
Occupation and Health
Three years after the earthquake
Health and epidemic prevention
Work measures
Effect study