International Review of Ophthalmology
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10Webb KF, Merriman-Smith BR, Stobie JK, et al. Cl-influx into rat cortical lens fiber cells is mediated by a Cl-conductance that is not ClC-2 or -3. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2004, 45: 4400- 4408.
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3程序,徐亮,李辽青,陈长喜.鸡形觉剥夺性近视眼视网膜光镜下形态改变[J].眼科,2000,9(2):108-109. 被引量:5
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6张庆慧,杨娅,王蕊.医院、幼儿园联合治疗儿童弱视的疗效探讨[J].国际眼科杂志,2009,9(5):994-995. 被引量:14
7王卫群,杨应琴,刘欢,田英,张改玲,张晓兰,张幼梅.新型眼前段分析系统测量LASIK术后角膜及前房变化[J].中华眼外伤职业眼病杂志,2016,38(2):81-85. 被引量:1
9张颖洁,周激波.视网膜色素上皮细胞在近视发病机制中的作用[J].中华眼视光学与视觉科学杂志,2015,17(9):573-576. 被引量:1