目的了解北京市流动人口艾滋病病毒(HIV)、梅毒、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染率,以及相关高危行为状况。方法对4 187位外省户籍的建筑工人、企业员工及商贸经营人员进行横断面调查,采集血样检测HIV、梅毒及HCV。结果 4 187位外省户籍的被调查者中,HIV、梅毒、HCV感染率分别为0、0.4%、0.6%。流动人口艾滋病知晓率为63.9%。4.3%的流动人口最近一年曾与非商业临时性伴发生性行为,5.6%的男性最近一年曾嫖娼,0.3%的男性最近一年曾与男性发生肛交行为。与男性嫖娼行为相关的因素包括工作类型、年龄、在京居住年限及婚姻状况。结论北京市流动人口存在感染和传播HIV、梅毒和HCV的风险,有必要在流动人口中开展更有针对性的行为干预措施,预防疾病传播扩散。
Objective To understand the prevalence of HIV infection, syphilis, hepatitis C(HCV) and risk behaviors among migrant population in Beijing. Methods A survey was conducted among 4 187 migrant builders and migrant laborers employed in industrial and commercial sectors. Blood specimens were collected to detect HIV infection, syphilis and hepatitis C. Results The prevalence rates of HIV infection, syphilis and HCV were 0.0%, 0.4% and 0.6% respectively. The awareness rate of HIV/AIDS knowledge was 63.9% ; 4.3% of the migrants had sex with non-commercial casual sexual partners in the past year. The male migrants who had sex with female sex workers in the past year accounted for 5.6 %. 0.3 % of the male migrants had anal sex with men in the past year. Job, age, years of residence in Beijing and marital status were found to be associated with having sex with female sex workers among male migrants. Conclusion The migrant population are vulnerable to HIV infection, syphilis and HCV. It is necessary to conduct targeted behavioral intervention among migrants to prevent transmission of diseases.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD