

The Two-zone Modeling of the Displacement Ventilation in an Office
摘要 本文建立了研究置换通风气流瞬态情况的两区域模型,用两区域模型对具体建筑进行模拟,分析其模拟结果,与实验结果和CFD模拟结果对比,来说明两区域模型的使用方法。 The two-zone model on studying the transient stage of the displacement ventilation air flow is set up.The displacement ventilation air flow in a building is simulated by the two-zone model.The simulation is analyzed and compared by the CFD simulation and the experimental result.It is explained that how to use the two-zone model.
作者 王利霞
出处 《建筑热能通风空调》 2011年第4期56-58,共3页 Building Energy & Environment
关键词 置换通风 两区域模拟 办公室 displacement ventilation two-zone modeling office
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