
微型姿控固体推力器阵列点火算法 被引量:2

Ignition algorithm of solid propellant micro-thruster array for attitude control
摘要 对用于微型卫星姿态控制的固体推力器阵列的组合点火问题进行了研究,分析了微型固体推力器阵列的工作性能,建立了组合点火问题的数学模型,设计了基值组合算法和阵列规划算法两种点火算法,并利用Matlab/Simulink对设计的算法进行了仿真.结果表明:阵列规划算法计算准确,快速有效,并且提高了阵列中推力器的利用率. The study on ignition algorithm of solid propellant micro-thruster array for attitude control of micro-satellite was made and described in this paper. The performance ca pabilities of solid propellant micro-thruster array were analyzed and the theoretical model was set up, then two kinds of ignition algorithms, that were combined base value algorithm and array programming algorithm, were proposed and verified by simulation using Matlab/ Simulink. The simulation shows that, array programming algorithm is accurate and fast, also can improve the utilization efficiency of thrusters in the array.
出处 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期1659-1664,共6页 Journal of Aerospace Power
基金 "十一五"民用航天预先研究项目(微型固体推力器阵列技术研究)
关键词 点火算法 姿态控制 微型固体推力器阵列 基值组合算法 阵列规划算法 ignition algorithm attitude control solid propellant micro-thruster array combined base value algorithm array programming algorithm
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