
MW级风电机组最大功率追踪复合控制策略 被引量:3

Maximum Power Point Tracking Compound Control Strategy of MW Level Wind Turbines
摘要 针对目前普遍应用的间接转速控制技术由于风轮转动惯量大而导致动态跟踪特性较差的问题,提出直接风速控制与间接风速控制相结合,改善最大功率追踪响应性能的新型复合控制策略。针对风速测量不准确,采用BP神经网络构建了有效风速估计模型。仿真实验证明,基于有效风速估计与真实风速的一致性,即使估计存在误差,采用复合控制策略也可以提升风能利用系数,提高发电量1%~2%。 Dynamic valid wind speed of aerodynamic characteristic wind wheel was evaluated based on BP neural network. According to the evaluated valid wind speed dynamically and combined direct wind speed control with indirectly wind control, a new complex control method was proposed. With this complex control method, dynamic characteristics of MPPT under indirect wind speed control can be obviously improved when wind speed evaluation is estimated with error. Besides, it can also follow the fluctuations of wind to increase the efficiency of wind power.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期129-132,共4页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2009BAA22B03)
关键词 风力发电机组 最大功率追踪 复合控制 神经网络 风速估计 Wind turbine, Maximum power point tracking, Compound control, Neural network,Wind speed estimate
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