
我国银行存款保险制度的路径选择研究 被引量:11

Research on Path Selection of Deposit Insurance System in China Banking
摘要 明确存款保险制度应当作为我国金融安全的重要组成部分。基于风险定价的存款保险费应当由政府和银行共同承担。政府提供的隐性存款保险随着存款保险制度完善逐步减少,为银行积累资本赢得时间。银行应当通过充实资本,降低存款保险费,为实施明确存款保险创造条件。我国最终应当建立信息透明、市场机制主导、政府严格监管、风险处置及时的明确存款保险制度。 Explicit deposit insurance system should be considered as indispensible for China financial safety. Deposit insurance premium based on bank risk should be jointly shared by government and banks. With the development and improvement of deposit insurance system, implicit deposit insurance provided by government should be gradually reduced and thus it will win enough time to help banks obtain capital. Banks should add capital to reduce premium for explicit deposit insurance system. China should develop a deposit insurance sys- tem with transparent information, market-orientation, strict supervision, and timely risk resolution.
出处 《当代经济科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期34-40,125,共7页 Modern Economic Science
关键词 金融安全 存款保险 路径选择 Key words: Financial Safety Deposit Insurance Path Selection Key words: Financial Safety Deposit Insurance Path Selection Financial Safety Deposit Insurance Path Selection
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