
基于实测数据的广域三通道SCANSAR-GMTI算法 被引量:3

SCANSAR-GMTI based on real three-channel data
摘要 根据广域三通道扫描模式合成孔径雷达地面动目标检测(scan synthetic aperture radar-ground moving target indication,SCANSAR-GMTI)实测数据的分析,提出一种广域三通道SCANSAR-GMTI系统的动目标检测、测速、定位及航迹检测的方法。该方法在保持杂波抑制后两通道的相位特性一致的前提下,采用两路杂波抑制性能整体最优的3多普勒通道变换(3 Doppler transform,3DT)方法,保证了系统的杂波抑制能力,结合相位干涉原理实现运动目标定位、测速,补偿载机运动带来的场景移动后实现了目标航迹的检测。最后,给出了对三通道实测数据的处理结果,验证了该方法能有效地检测地面慢速运动目标并检测其航迹。 According to an analysis of three-channel SCANSAR-GMTI real data, a method is proposed for detection, velocity-estimation, relocation and the track detection of moving targets of wide-area SCANSAR- GMTI systems. In the prediction that the consistence of phase characteristic of two-channel after clutter suppression is preserved, in order to guarantee the capability of clutter suppression, the improved 3 Doppler transform (3DT) method which can achieve the giobal optimal performance of two-channel clutter suppression is used. According to the interfered phase of moving targets, its azimuth location and radial velocity are determined. After the compensation of the movement of scene induced by the motion of the airplane, the track of targets is detected. Real data processing results show that the proposed method is effective.
出处 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期1963-1969,共7页 Systems Engineering and Electronics
基金 国家自然科学基金(61001211) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(200807010002) 新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-06-0861)资助课题
关键词 合成孔径雷达 地面动目标检测 测速 定位 航迹 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) ground moving target indication (GMTI) velocity estimation relocation track
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