
湿地公园研究体系构建 被引量:70

The studying system construction of wetland parks
摘要 湿地公园是湿地保护性利用新方式,也是生态旅游和生态文明建设新载体,目前国内外兴起湿地公园建设热潮,为湿地保护性利用带来了新机遇。但作为新兴研究领域,目前湿地公园专题研究滞后于其建设与发展,研究基础理论薄弱、研究内容系统性不强、研究方法简单、研究体系不完整,对公园建设的实践指导不足。构建湿地公园研究体系具有重大的理论意义和实践价值。在对国内外研究总结分析的基础上,力图从研究理论体系、研究内容指标体系和研究方法体系等层面对湿地公园研究体系进行初步构建。提出湿地公园生态系统的概念,并将其组成结构研究体系、功能研究体系、影响评价体系和管理体系等作为研究内容的指标体系;对现有研究方法述评分析,构建了以基础理论探讨、规划研究、试验研究和空间分析为主的研究方法体系;指出了未来应注重的研究方法及发展趋势;最后结合部分实证研究对体系进行了充实完善。以望为推动湿地公园专题研究进程做出贡献,为湿地公园科学管理提供参考。 Wetland has the features of high biodiversity and cultural diversity,possesses high tourism value,and environmental education and community participation functions.Wetland ecotourism reflects the sustainable development of tourism economy and wetland protection,which has received great concerns from governments and scholars at home and abroad.Wetland parks act as a new way of wetland protection and a new carrier of ecotourism and the construction of ecological civilization.The popularity of wetland parks construction at home and abroad brought a new opportunity for protective utilization of the wetland.However,the monographic study of wetland parks lagged behind their construction and development as a result of weak research background and unsystematic content,simple research methods,incomplete research systems and insufficient direction for park construction practice.Therefore,it is of greatly theoretic significance and practical value to construct studying system of wetland parks.The present study attempts to construct a primary studying system of wetland parks from research theory,content and method based on a review on recent literatures.It put forward the definition of wetland park ecosystem and took composition,function,impact evaluation and management as main index system of wetland parks.A research method system containing basic theory explore,planning research,experimental research and spatial analysis was constructed after analyzing and commenting on existing research methods of wetland parks,and concluded the development trend of wetland parks research.Two empirical studies were incorporated into the studying system.We suggested to strengthen the macroscopic control and guidance of wetland parks construction and to pay more attention to the quality construction and harmonious regional-development through the investigation on distribution patterns and classification of the state-level wetland parks in China.Classification of wetland parks played an important role in displaying the diversity of wetland parks and priority should be given to the construction of different types of wetland parks.We investigated and analyzed the diversity dynamics of herbaceous plants under different disturbances in the conservation area of Taiping Lake national wetland park in China,and the results showed that the estuary environment changed under different disturbances,it come up with some protection and restoration strategies towards the main problems in biodiversity conservation in the conservation area of Taiping Lake national wetland park.The paper set up the studying system including research theory,research content,and research method about wetland parks for the first time,and put forward the definition of ecosystem of wetland parks with theoretic innovations.It can promote the progress of monographic study of wetland parks and put forward the advices about the management of wetland parks.
作者 王立龙 陆林
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第17期5081-5095,共15页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40971083 41171115) 安徽省高等院校省级自然科学基金重点项目(KJ2010A136)
关键词 湿地公园 研究体系 生态旅游 wetland parks research system ecotourism
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