
“在场的”科学主体及其认知模式 被引量:2

The "Present" Subject of Science and its Cognitive Models
摘要 传统上对科学的看法常常因为主体与客体绝对的二元对立而陷入困境,这个困境使得科学的真理观要么滑向客观主义的绝对主义,要么滑向主观主义的相对主义;这两种立场都没有恰当地反映出主体在科学实践中的恰当地位和作用。我们将以上述方式所看待的主体称为“不在场的”(non—present)科学主体。 Researches on the status,effect and manifestation of cognitive subjects have been deepening gradually in scientific activities,and the 'present' science has been widely paid close attention to as well.It is necessary for us to examine the collective cognition,and the cognitive activities with the community as the subject.R.Merton and T.Kuhn have attached importance to the role structure and the effect of cognitive subjects,M.Polanyi held that more attention should be paid to tacit knowledge in the scientific cognition,and R.Giere posed the distributed cognition of the subject.All of these theories would become the possible approaches to resolve the prima-facie contradictions between individuality and publicity,knowledge and act in science.
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第9期87-95,128,共9页 Philosophical Research
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