

An Empirical Study on the Factor Reallocation and Productivity Growth in Manufacturing Industry:A Case Study of Zhejiang Province
摘要 改革开放以来,我国制造业在不断向东部沿海地区集聚的同时,其结构也发生了深刻变革。本文以浙江省制造业为例,运用1992~2007年分行业面板数据,采用超越对数生产函数,实证考察了要素再配置对生产率增长的影响。研究发现,浙江省制造业在考察期内并未出现明显的"结构红利",反而在一定时期内表现为"结构负利";尽管要素再配置有向机电、装备等制造业部门倾斜的趋势,但由于其资本密度较低且幅度不大,结构效应并不十分明显;引入Verdoorn效应的分析表明,浙江省制造业生产率增长的规模效应并不显著。最后给出相应政策建议。 Since the reform and opening up policy,Chinese manufacturing industry has been clustering to the eastern coastal areas and has undergone a profound change in the structure.Based on the case study on the panel data from 1992 to 2007 of Zhejiang manufacturers and by using translog production function,this article analyzes the effect of factor reallocation on productivity growth.It concludes that the manufacturing industry of Zhejiang Province in the study period does not produce obvious 'structural bonus' but 'negative profit of structure' in certain periods and that although factor reallocation tends to transfer to new manufacturing industry like electrical and mechanical industry and equipment industry,structure effect is not very notable due to the low capital intensity and transferring rate.By employing the effect of Verdoorn,it further concludes that the scale effect of manufacturing productivity growth in Zhejiang province is not significant and attempts to offer some relevant policy recommendations.
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第9期10-19,156,共10页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
关键词 全要素生产率 制造业 要素再配置 结构效应 Total Factor Productivity,Manufacturing Industry,Factor Reallocation,Structure Effect
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