
仿王蜥机器人驱动机构设计及动力学仿真 被引量:5

Driving mechanism design and dynamics simulation of basilisk Lizard robot
摘要 设计一种基于平面连杆机构的仿王蜥水上行走运动机理的机器人驱动结构。对该结构进行自由度分析及轨迹计算。通过计算在不同驱动速度和不同脚掌面积下,水对脚掌产生的作用力、支撑力和驱动力,验证设计的可行性。 A kind of robot driving structure based on planar linkage is designed,which emulates the basilisk Lizard'S ability to run on the surface of water.The degree of freedom analysis and path calculation for this structure was carried out.By computing the acting force,supporting force and driving force that water applied on the feet under different driving speeds and foot areas,the validity of the design was verified.
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期25-27,33,共4页 Journal of Machine Design
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50905175)
关键词 仿王蜥 驱动结构 轨迹 作用力 basilisk Lizard drive structure path acting force
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