
基于缓和原则的粉尘爆炸风险控制研究 被引量:6

Experimental Investigation of Dust Explosion Risk Control Based on Moderation Principle
摘要 为了将本质安全原理中的缓和原则与粉尘爆炸事故的风险控制联系起来,利用Swiek20 L球形爆炸装置考察了烟煤粉、甘薯粉和镁粉的最大爆炸压力、最大爆压上升速率和爆炸下限等特性,重点考察了点火能量、环境压力以及添加惰化剂等因素的影响。结果表明:降低点火能量能有效缩减粉尘可燃浓度范围,提高粉尘爆炸下限;爆炸危害正相关于环境压力;碳酸钙和碳酸氢钠能有效抑制烟煤尘爆炸,且碳酸钙抑爆效果更好;氯化钾对镁尘爆炸动力学特性的抑制效果更好,而碳酸钙对镁尘爆炸热力学特性的抑制效果更好,且小粒径的惰化剂表现出更好的抑爆炸能力。降低点火能量、控制环境压力和添加惰化剂均可降低粉尘爆炸危害,有助于控制粉尘爆炸风险。 The study aims to combine moderation principle with countermeasures for dust explosion risk reduction.An experimental investigation was carried out on typical explosive dusts such as bituminous coal,magnesium and sweet potato dusts.Tests of explosion characteristics including maximum explosion pressure,maximum rate of pressure rise and lower explosion limit were conducted by using the Siwek 20 L spherical vessel.Effects of ignition energy,initial pressure and added inert material were taken into account.Results show that both the reduction of flammable dust concentration range and the augment of lower reduction are related to the decrease of ignition energy.The explosion severity is proportional to the initial pressure.Moreover,both calcium carbonate and calcium bicarbonate can suppress coal dust explosion effectively,and calcium carbonate represents better inert effectiveness.The potassium chloride represents better effectiveness upon magnesium dust explosion kinetics while calcium carbonate represents better effectiveness upon explosion thermodynamics.Finer inert particles show better inert effectiveness.Consequently,the dust explosion severity is reduced with the rise of inert mixing ratio and the decrease of ignition energy and initial pressure.
出处 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期72-77,共6页 China Safety Science Journal
关键词 粉尘爆炸 缓和原则 点火能量 环境压力 惰化 dust explosion moderation principle ignition energy environment pressure deactivation
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