
人妊娠母胎耐受机制的研究进展 被引量:1

Advances in studies on the mechanism of human maternofetal immune tolerance
摘要 人类正常妊娠类似母体接受器官移植,不论半同种或是同种组织移植,均会被母体的免疫系统识别。在妊娠刚开始时,母体和胚胎/胎儿仅在子宫蜕膜接触。中孕期,胎儿的绒毛滋养细胞进入母体血液循环系统,胎儿/母体的接触变为全面接触。成功的妊娠说明母体免疫系统①受到适度的抑制,确保不对胚胎/胎儿发生排斥。②对胚胎/胎儿的抗原乃具有识别和反应能力,限制滋养细胞过度侵入子宫壁。因此,在限制滋养细胞过度侵入和对滋养细胞特异耐受两者间建立一种微妙平衡是成功妊娠的先绝条件。本文简介有关人妊娠母胎耐受机制的研究进展。 Normal human pregnancy is similar to an organ transplantation in the mother's body.Either semi-allograft or allograft can be recognized by the maternal immune system.At the beginning of pregnancy,materno-embryonal/fetal contact is confined in the uterine decidua.In the 2nd trimester fetal villous trophoblastic cells enter the maternal blood circulation,then the maternofetal contact becomes to the whole body.A success pregnancy means ① to ensure the embryo/fetus not to be repelled,the maternal immune system has to be inhibited appropriately,② the maternal immune system still has the ability to recognize the embryonal/fetal antigen and to prevent over-invasion of the trophoblast into the uterine wall.Therefore,establishment of a delicate balance between prevention of trophoblast over-invasion and specific tolerance with the trophoblast is the prerequisite of a success pregnancy.
出处 《暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期369-373,共5页 Journal of Jinan University(Natural Science & Medicine Edition)
关键词 妊娠 母胎界面 免疫性 免疫耐受 pregnancy maternofetal interface immunity immune tolerance
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