目的了解北京近年女性常见性传播疾病(STD)流行特征及规律,为制定有效的防治措施提供依据。方法采用回顾性方法对2005—2010年北京市18个区县妇幼保健医疗机构上报的"医院门诊生殖道感染性疾病报表"进行统计分析。结果 2005—2010年北京18个区县妇幼保健医疗机构门诊就诊的女性,STD患病率呈下降趋势,年平均递减速度为20.73%,其中梅毒呈增长趋势,年平均增长速度为1.15%。患病率分别为:尖锐湿疣1.54‰~4.85‰、衣原体0.45‰~4.70‰、梅毒0.16‰~0.61‰、淋病0.04‰~0.15‰;不同区域中城区STD呈下降趋势,年平均递减速度为20.03%;尖锐湿疣呈增长趋势,年平均增长速度为16.36%;梅毒年平均递减速度为100.00%。STD在远郊、近郊区呈下降趋势,年平均递减速度分别为10.59%、27.32%。计划生育门诊中STD呈增长趋势,年平均增长速度为77.86%;梅毒年平均增长速度为270.84%。性病、妇科门诊STD年平均递减速度分别为1.86%、10.17%。妇科、婚检科梅毒呈增长趋势,年平均增长速度分别26.58%、1.92%。结论北京市女性常见STD的防治应根据不同区域、不同的门诊采取相应的防治措施,加强STD的综合预防。
Objective To look into the epidemic characteristics of common sexually transmitted diseases(STD) in females to provide basis for effective control measures.Methods Statistical analysis was carried out retrospectively on data delivered by "Reporting forms of reproductive tract infections among outpatients" from the 18 districts counties of Beijing from 2005 to 2010.Results STD prevalence rate declined by an annual decrease rate of 20.73% among female outpatients from the 18 districts/counties of Beijing from 2005 to 2010.Further,syphilis infection rate increased by an rate of 1.15% per year and prevalence rate of genital warts,chlamydia,syphilis,and gonorrhea were 1.54‰~4.85‰,0.45‰~4.70‰,0.16‰~0.61‰,and 0.04‰~0.15‰ respectively.In the urban area,STD infection rate decreased by an average rate of 20.03% per year.Infection rate of warts increased by an average rate of 16.36% per year and syphilis decreased by 100.00%.In the outer and inner suburbs,STD infection rate decreased by average rates of 10.59% and 27.32% per year respectively,but increased by an average rate of 77.86% per year in family planning and birth control clinics.Infection rate of syphilis increased by an average rate of 270.84% per year.STD infection rate decreased by average rates of 1.86% per year and 10.17% per year respectively in STD clinics and in gynecological clinics.Syphilis infection rate increased by average rates of 26.58% per year and 1.92% per year respectively in gynecological clinics and in pre-marriage health check-up clinics.Conclusion Common female STD prevention and treatment should be adjusted with respect to different regions and different clinics to formulate appropriate precautionary measures and to strengthen comprehensive STD prevention.
Chinese General Practice
Sexually transmitted diseases