

Multi-agent Robust Adaptive Control of Directed Triangle Formation
摘要 针对一类具有不确定性和外部干扰的三个智能体系统,提出了基于距离的分散自适应有向编队控制策略。利用模糊系统的逼近能力对单个智能体的不确定动态进行逼近,同时通过参数自适应估计消除了逼近误差和外部干扰对系统的影响;进一步,引入势能函数避免个体之间的碰撞。通过Babalat引理能够证明所提控制算法能够保证期望的三角队形且每个智能体都能达到期望的速度。 In this paper, a decentralized adaptive control scheme of directed triangle formation based on interagent distances is worked out for three multi-agent systems with uncertain nonlinear dynamics and external disturbances. Uncertain dynamics terms are approximated by the first type fuzzy systems. At the same time, the effects of approximation error and external disturbances are eliminated by using the adaptive estimation of pa- rameter. Furthermore, the inter-agent potential functions are introduced to avoid the collision between each a- gent. By the Babalat' s lemma, the proposed control algorithms can not only accomplish the desired formation but also ensure that speeds of all agents converge to a common value during the motion.
机构地区 扬州职业大学
出处 《扬州职业大学学报》 2011年第2期29-33,共5页 Journal of Yangzhou Polytechnic College
关键词 多智能体系统 分散自适应控制 有向编队控制 multi-agent system decentralized adaptive control directed triangle formation control
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