
植物油脂水解工艺及不饱和脂肪酸组成研究 被引量:13

Study on the hydrolysis processing of different vegetable oil and compositions of unsaturated fatty acid
摘要 研究了碱性水解小桐子油脂制备脂肪酸的较佳工艺条件:油水比(g/g)为2:1,乙醇-水比(v/v)为2:1,皂化时间1.5h、温度70℃,在该条件下脂肪酸得率、酸值和碘值的平均值分别为:98.25%、203.67mgKOH/g和109.89g/100g。采用桐油、光皮油、棕榈油和大豆油等植物油脂考察了该工艺的原料适用程度,该水解工艺条件下各种油脂制备所得的脂肪酸得率和酸值都接近98%和199mgKOH/g。采用GC-MS分析五种植物油脂脂肪酸组成和含量,其不饱和脂肪酸含量依次为:桐油(94.88%)>大豆油(84.07%)>光皮油(81.90%)>小桐子油(77.84%)>棕榈油(77.19%);其中多价不饱和脂肪酸含量次序为桐油(85.36%)>大豆油(58.01%)>棕榈油(56.81%)>光皮油(55.31%)>小桐子油(42.16%)。大豆油、棕榈油、光皮油和小桐子油四种植物油脂脂肪酸成分基本相同,主要是亚油酸、7,10-十八碳二烯酸、油酸。桐油中脂肪酸组成与其他植物油脂有较大区别,含大量三价不饱和脂肪酸,其主要成分有油酸(9-十八烯酸)13.83%、8,11-十八碳二烯酸24.37%、亚麻酸(9,12,15-十八碳三烯酸和6,9,15-十八碳三烯酸)60.01%。 The preferable condition of basic hydrolysis for Jatropha curcas L.seed oil was oil-water of mass ratio 2:1,ethanol-water of volume fraction 2:1,1.5h for saponification at 70℃.The average of yield,acid value and iodine value of fatty acid were 98.25%,203.67mgKOH/g and 109.89g/100g.The applicability of the process conditions of hydrolysis was investigated through applicable experiments using cornus wilsoniana seed oil,tung oil,palm oil and soybean oil.The experimental results indicated that the yield and acid value of fatty acid in different vegetable fat were about 98% and 199mgKOH/g.After esterification the fatty acid was analyzed by GC-MS,components and contents have been identified.Large numbers of unsaturated fatty acids were found in these five vegetable oil,whose contents were tung oil(94.88%)soybean oil(84.07%)cornus wilsoniana seed oil(81.90%)Jatropha curcas L.seed oil(77.84%)palm oil(77.19%).The contents of these polyunsaturated fatty acids of five vegetable oil were tung oil(85.36%)soybean oil(58.01%)palm oil(56.81%)cornus wilsoniana seed oil(55.31%)Jatropha curcas L.seed oil(42.16%).The main components of fatty acid of Jatropha curcas L.seed oil,cornus wilsoniana seed oil,palm oil and soybean oil were oleic acid,linoleic acid and 7,10-octadecaienoic acid.While the main components of fatty acid of tung oil were significant different from other vegetable oil,including a mass of an unsaturated fatty acid whose carbon chain had triple valence bond per molecule.The main components were oleic acid(9-octadecenoic acid),8,11-octadecaienoic acid and linolenic acid(9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid,6,9,15-octadecatrienoic acid),whose contents were 13.83%,24.37% and 60.01%.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期76-79,共4页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 国家林业局公益性行业专项经费资助(200904008 CAFYBB2008028) 国家863计划(2009AA05Z437) 国家自然基金(30700634) 江苏省基金(BK2009545)
关键词 小桐子油 光皮油 桐油 棕榈油 大豆油 水解 脂肪酸 Jatropha curcas L. seed oil cornus wilsoniana seed oil tung oil palm oil soybean oil hydrolysis fatty acid
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