
番茄红素乳状液稳定性研究 被引量:4

Study on the stability of lycopene in emulsion system
摘要 研究了番茄红素溶于油脂后制备成乳状液的乳化稳定性。添加0.5%的阿拉伯胶能够显著抑制贮藏过程中乳状液粒径的增大,从而大大改善乳状液的乳化稳定性。VC和VE对乳状液体系的乳化稳定性有一定改善作用,其中VC对乳状液乳化稳定性的促进作用的贡献较大,二者按0.15%:0.001%比例复配加入后效果最好。 To focus on some properties of emulsion system which prepared by dissolving lycopene in oil,including the emulsion stability.Experimental results showed that the addition of 0.5% of arabic gum during storage could significantly inhibit the increase of the emulsion particle size,which greatly improved the stability of the emulsion.The application of VC and VE that they could improve the stability of the emulsion system in a certain degree,at the same time they showed very good synergy in inhibiting the degradation of lycopene.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期147-148,155,共3页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
关键词 番茄红素乳状液 阿拉伯胶 维生素C 维生素E lycopene in emulsion system arabic gum VC VE
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