
蒙药德都红花-7味丸对DMN致慢性肝损伤的保肝降酶作用的实验研究 被引量:11

The Experimental Study of Protective and Degrading Enzyme Effects of Mongolian Medicine Deduhonghua-7 Pill on DMN-induced Chronic Hepatic Injury in Mice
摘要 目的:动态观察蒙药德都红花-7味丸对不同病变阶段慢性肝损伤的降酶保肝作用,为临床合理用药提供依据。方法:将小鼠随机分为空白组、模型组、乙肝宁组、德都红花-7味丸高、低剂量组。除空白组外,其余小鼠腹腔注射DMN致慢性肝损伤,造模同时德都红花-7味丸高、低剂量组、乙肝宁组分别灌胃每日0.87、0.5和0.5g/kg。于第5、7次注射DMN后观察小鼠体重,检测ALT、AST、TP、ALB含量和观察肝组织病理学的变化。结果:第5、7次注射DMN后与空白组比较模型组体重明显减轻,肝功能明显异常,有显著性差异(P<0.05);与模型组比较德都红花-7味丸低剂量组体重明显增加,ALT、AST明显下降,ALB明显上升,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。第5、7次注射DMN后慢性肝炎炎症活动度分级(G)和慢性肝炎程度(G/S)比较模型组处于迁延加重趋势,主要表现为中、重度病变状态;德都红花-7味丸处于轻、中度病变状态。结论:德都红花-7味丸对不同阶段、不同程度的慢性肝损伤有不同程度的降酶保肝作用,尤其对轻、中程度的慢性肝损伤有较好的疗效,建议临床上应随着病情变化给予合理的辨证用药。 Objective :To observe the Protective and Degrading enzyme effect of Deduhonghua -7 pill on different pathological stages of Chronic hepatic Injury in mice, to Provide the basis for the clinical use of drugs. Methods : the mice were randomly divided into normal control group ,model group ,Yiganning particles group ,Deduhonghua- 7 pill high and low dose groups;except the normal control group others mice were caused Chronic hepatic Injury by Intraperitoneal injec- tion, Modeling the same time, The mice in Deduhonghua- 7 pill high and low dose groups ,Yiganning particles groupare given intragastric administration Deduhonghua -7 pill and Yiganning particles with 0.87,0.5 and 0.5g/kg each dayo After the fifth and seventh injection DMN ,to observe the body weight in mice and measure the levels of serum ALT ,AST, TP,ALB and pathological changes of liver tissue. Result: After the fifth and seventh injection DMN, compared normal control group with model group, the body weight in mice reduced significantly and liver function markedly abnormal, has significant differenc ( P 〈 0.05 ). compared model group with Deduhonghua- 7 pill low dose group, the body weight in mice increased obviously, ALT,AST reduced significantly, TP increased obviously, has significant differenc ( P 〈 0.05 ). After the fifth and seventh injection DMN, Grading of inflammatory activity of chronic hepatitis (G) degree of chronic hep atitis( G/S)in model group has gradually increasing trend in the moderate and severe disease status; Deduhonghua pill groups in the mild and moderate disease status. Conclusion: Deduhonghua -7 pill has the different degrees Protectiveand degrading enzyme effect for different stages, different degrees of chronic liver injury , especially for the mild and moderate chronic liver injury has a better effect , to propose that changes in clinical condition should be given reasonable diagnosis and prescription.
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2011年第9期2086-2089,共4页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 内蒙古自治区卫生厅科研计划项目(2006040)
关键词 德都红花-7味丸 慢性肝炎 保肝 实验研究 Mongolian medcine Deduhonghua- 7 pill Chronic hepatic Injury Protect the liver The experimentalstudy
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