
未分化结缔组织病的研究进展 被引量:3

Update on undifferentiated connective tissue diseases
摘要 未分化结缔组织病是临床实际存在的一种疾病状态,目前发病机制尚不清楚。未分化结缔组织病的临床特征为具有自身免疫病的症状和体征,只有一种自身抗体阳性,不符合任何结缔组织病的诊断标准。演变是未分化结缔组织病疾病过程中最为突出的特点,30%可演变为结缔组织病,70%维持未分化结缔组织病的状态。经未分化结缔组织病演变而来的结缔组织病,病情相对轻微,重要器官损害较少。疾病特点和演变结果提示,未分化结缔组织病是自身免疫性疾病疾病谱中重要一员。 Undifferentiated connective tissue diseases are an actually existing clinical disease state of unknown origin. They clinically resemble autoimmune diseases with the presence of a kind of autoantibody, which does not meet the diagnostic criteria for any defined connective tissue disease. Evolution is the most prominent feature of undifferentiated connective tissue diseases, of which, 30% could evolve into connective tissue diseases, 70% remain in the initial state. The severity of connective tissue diseases evolving from undifferentiated connective tissue diseases tends to be mild with low-grade major organ injury. Clinical manifestations and evolution process reveal that undifferentiated connective tissue diseases are an important member in the spectrum of autoimmune diseases.
出处 《国际皮肤性病学杂志》 2011年第5期328-332,共5页 International Journal of Dermatology and Venereology
关键词 未分化结缔组织病 结缔组织病 Undifferentiated connective tissue diseases Connective tissue diseases
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