自1951年推出以来,每4年一届的ITMA今年将首度于西班牙的城市举办。展会主办方欧洲纺织机械制造商协会(CEMATEX)及承办方MP International将于9月22—29日期间在巴塞罗那展览中心(Fira de Barcelona GranVia)为这一全球纺织行业的创新平台联手打造一系列的精彩活动。以"掌握创新艺术"为主题的本届展会将推出一系列60周年庆的创新活动,其中包括扩充版的产品索引和新的项目介绍,以及推出首届世界纺织峰会(World Textile Summit)及其他精彩的研讨会。加入新的内容后,ITMA2011将分为18个单独的项目。参观者可望在面积超过20万m2的展馆展出的最新技术、产品及服务中,纵览整个纺织及成衣制造价值链。
ITMA is gearing up for its most exciting presentation in the show’s 60 years history. Held every four years since 1951, ITMA will be making its debut in a Spanish city. Show owner CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers and organiser MP International, have put together an interesting programme for the industry’s innovation platform to be held at the Fira de Barcelona Gran Via from 22 to 29, September. Themed 'Master the Art of Innovation', it will see a host of new initiatives that befits the 60th anniversary of the showcase. Among them, there will be an expanded product index and introduction of a new chapter, the first World Textile Summit and other exciting conferences. With the inclusion of the new profiles, ITMA 2011 exhibits will now be classified into 18 separate chapters. Visitors can expect to source the entire textile and garment making value chain, with the latest technologies, products and services, spread over the 200 000 square metres of the Gran Via fairgrounds.
China Textile Leader