
婴幼儿脑性瘫痪粗大运动功能评价量表信度与效度研究 被引量:46

Reliability and validity of the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) in babies and infants with cerebral palsy
摘要 目的研究婴幼儿脑性瘫痪(CP)粗大运动功能评价量表的信度及效度。方法应用婴幼儿CP粗大运动功能评价量表(GMFM)80项测式条目(GMFM80),对173例4~60个月CP患儿(CP组)分别用GMFM80和GMFM88量表进行测量,对92例同年龄段的正常儿童(对照组)运用GMFM80进行粗大运动功能的评估,以检验GMFM80的信度(内部一致性)、平行效度、区分效度。结果 GMFM80具有良好的内部一致性信度(a>0.9);与GMFM 88分值之间呈高度相关性(Pearson相关系数=0.940);CP组粗大运动功能得分明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论婴幼儿CP粗大运动功能评价量表GMFM80具有良好的信度和效度,可有效评估CP患儿的粗大运动功能状况。 Objective To investigate the reliability and validity of the Gross Motor Function Measure(GMFM) in infant with cerebral palsy(CP). Methods In order to evaluate the reliability (internal consistency) ,the parallel validity and the discriminate va lidity, 173 infants with cerebral palsy aged 4 to 60 months were measured by GMFM(80 items)and GMFM(88 items). All together 92 healthy infants of the same age were evaluated by GMFM(80 items). Results It was found that the GMFM(80 items)had good internal consistency(a〉0.9) ;and there was a high correlation between GMFM(80 items)and GMFM(88 items) (Pearson correlation coefficient= 0. 940);Cerebral palsy children scored significantly lower than children in gross motor (P〈 0.05 ). Conclusion The reliability and validity of GMFM(80 items) items in infants with cerebral palsy are good. And the gross motor function in infants with cerebral palsy could be effectively evaluated.
出处 《重庆医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第26期2643-2644,共2页 Chongqing medicine
关键词 脑性瘫痪 粗大运动功能评价量表 信度 效度 cerebral palsy gross motor function measure reliability validity
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