
超稠油水膜面减阻输送技术的数值模拟 被引量:14

Numerical Simulation of Water Film Drag-Reduction Transport of Super Heavy Oil
摘要 超稠油水膜面减阻输送技术是能源领域的一项节能技术。超稠油运输的主要困难是因超稠油具有较高的粘度,所以在输送过程中需要大量的能耗,提高输送成本。采用水膜面输送技术可克服这个难题。采用水膜面输送技术时,在超稠油和管壁之间形成低粘度的环状水膜面,使高粘度的超稠油不直接与管壁接触,从而减小输送阻力,有效降低能量消耗,节约成本。以辽河油田特石管道超稠油水膜输送现场试验数据为参考,应用计算流体力学软件对其进行了数值模拟。模拟结果表明:超稠油水膜面减阻技术减阻效果非常明显,而且与试验数据很好地相吻合,对实际运行具有一定的理论指导意义。 Water film lubricated transport of super heavy oil is one of the energy--saving technologies in the energy sector. The major difficulty of transporting super heavy oil is its very high viscosity, which leads to need vast energy consumption and increase the cost of transportation. The water film lubricated transport of super heavy oil seems to be one of the promising means to handle the situation. In this technique, low--viscosity liquid is formed into an annular film between the pipe wall and oil flow, because the oil does not come in contact with the wall and decreases resistance, the energy consumption and its cost decreases drastically. CFD software was used to do the numerical simulation base on experiments of water film lubricated transport in Teshi pipeline of Liao He oilfield. The simulation result is compared with experimental data which has been very good anastomosis. Therefore the study provides a guidance to the actual operation.
出处 《辽宁石油化工大学学报》 CAS 2011年第3期38-41,共4页 Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
关键词 超稠油 水膜面 压降 数值模拟 Super heavy oil Water film Pressure drop Numerical simulation
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