
高等教育治理的政策范式:办学自主权的国际比较 被引量:16

Policy Paradigms of HEI Governance:An International Comparative Study of University Autonomy
摘要 政策范式直接影响决策者理解世界的方式,并规定行动者的角色。根据政府与大学的理想角色,世界大学治理主要有3种基本政策范式:国家本位、高校本位、市场本位。罗马传统的高等教育体系遵循国家本位的政策范式,盎格鲁—撒克逊传统的高等教育体系传承高校本位的政策范式,市场本位的政策范式是盎格鲁—撒克逊传统的高等教育体系与美国实用主义结合的产物。在大学办学自主权的政策变迁上,当前世界两大高等教育体系正在逐步靠近。盎格鲁—撒克逊传统的高等教育体系正在从"松散的安排"向"严密的正规体制"转移,罗马传统的高等教育体系正在由"集权体制"向"分权体制"转移。从隔离型大学走向介入型大学也是两种传统共同的发展趋势。 Policy paradigms not only affect the way directly that the policy-makers understand the world, but also set roles for actors. There are three basic policy paradigms on world's university governance according to the ideal roles of governments and universities: nation-based, university-based and market-based. In general, the Roman traditional higher edu- cation system follows nation-based policy paradigm, the Anglo-Saxon traditional higher education system inherits university-based policy paradigm, and the market-based policy paradigm is a combination of Anglo-Saxon traditional higher education system with American pragmatism. On the issue of policy changes of university autonomy, the current trend is that two higher education systems of the world are gradually coming close. Anglo-Saxon traditional higher education system is transferring from "loose arrangement" to "strict and formal system, and the Roman traditional higher education system is moving from "centralized system" to "decentralized system". Also the transfen-ing from socially buffered universities to socially embedded universities is a common trend of these two traditions.
作者 周光礼
出处 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 CSSCI 2011年第5期5-10,16,共7页 Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划"公共政策与高等教育"[NECT-08-0236]
关键词 大学办学自主权 大学治理 政策范式 认知模板 university autonomy university governance policy paradigm cognitive template
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