
北京市月坛社区冠心病患者管理现况调查 被引量:1

A Cross-section Evaluation of Management for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease in Yuetan Community of Beijing
摘要 目的了解北京市月坛社区冠心病患者的管理现况,分析存在的问题,并针对问题提出相应建议。方法北京市月坛社区选择了212名冠心病患者作为此次研究对象。采用横断面调查研究方法,通过自行设计的调查问卷收集患者的基本情况、治疗情况、冠心病知识知晓率、患者满意度等资料,生活质量采用SF-36量表进行评估。通过体格检查获取生理、生化指标。结果被调查的212名患者中,未规律进行心电图者检查者82人(38.68%),未定期检查体重指数者112人(52.83)%。冠心病一级预防知晓率为27.83%,二级预防知晓率为13.21%。患病时首选社区卫生服务机构就诊者153人(72.17%),对社区医务人员服务态度、医疗水平非常满意者188人(88.68%)。结论北京市月坛社区已得到冠心病患者认可;患者对冠心病健康知识知晓率低。社区卫生服务机构需要制定适宜的冠心病社区防治建议或指南来规范社区冠心病管理。 Objective To evaluate the health conditions of patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) in Yuetan community of Beijing, to assess the management of medical care and service for CHD patients in this center. Methods Outpa- tients with CHD in Yuetan community health service center were provided with a questionnaire and interviewed by qualified staff. The answers were recorded. In addition, physleal examinations were administered and the results were also recorded, Results In total, 212 patients were surveyed. The average age of the patients was (73.6 ±6. 9) years and the median duration of disease was (8.8 ± 5.0) years. Of the patients in the study, 52. 83% were overweight or obese; 83% exhibited complications, 38. 68% and 52. 83% patients did not take the examination of EKG and BMI respectively. When asked, only 27. 83% of pa- tients had the knowledge of primary measurements to prevent CHD, and 13.21% of patients had some knowledge about treatment options for CHD. 72. 17% of the patients in the study chose Yuetan community health center as their first choice and 88. 68% patients were satisfied with the center's medical staff, services and the medical treatments they received. Conclusion Yuetan community center is essential for providing primary medieal care and services for a significant number of CHD patients in the com- munity. Therefore, it is imperative for the community service center to provide quality guideline and medical services for CHD patients. Moreover, it is important for medical staff at the center to provide patients with educational information about prevention and treatment of CHD.
出处 《临床合理用药杂志》 2011年第08X期117-120,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rational Drug Use
关键词 冠状动脉疾病 社区 疾病管理 Coronary disease Community Disease management
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