
56例低血容量休克患者的急救和护理 被引量:2

Emergency medical treatment and nursing of 56 patients with hypovolemic shock
摘要 目的探讨低血容量休克患者的急救和护理经验,提高治愈率。方法对56例低血容量休克患者的临床急救资料进行回顾性分析。结果全组病例治愈53例,死亡3例。其中因为重度脑挫伤合并血气胸死亡2例,重度肝破裂合并肾破裂死亡1例。结论低血容量休克往往病情危急、处理难度大、并发症多,快速准确的判断病情,及早的复苏治疗,正确的监测护理,是提高治愈率、降低病死率的关键。 Objective To explore the experience of improving the cure rate of emergency medical treatment (EMT) and nursing in patients with hypovolemic shock. Methods Retrospective analysis was adopted for the clinical data of EMT in 56 cases of patients with hypovolemic shock. Results Fifty- three cases of 56 patients were cured, 2 died of severe brain injury with pneumothoraxa and haemothoraxa, and 1 died of severe liver and kidney rupture. Conclusion The key of improving the cure rate and reducing the mortality of patients with hypovolemic shock is the quick and accurate judgment of pathogenetic condition, early resuscitation and proper monitoring of care.
作者 顾琴
出处 《实用临床医药杂志》 CAS 2011年第14期18-20,共3页 Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice
关键词 低血容量休克 急救 护理 hypovolemic shock emergency medical treatment (EMT) nursing
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