
类比论证的形式表征与语用维度 被引量:1

The Formal Representation and Pragmatic Dimension of Analogical Argument
摘要 类比论证是一种普遍存在的论证方式,具有独特的魅力和论证效果,会对人们的学习、认知、交流和创新等活动产生重要影响。基于相似性的类比推理是类比论证的基础,其过程具有很强的或然性。运用溯因推理、扩展的谓词演算、概念映射函数等工具和方法对类比论证进行一定程度的形式表征,有助于较清晰地描写和呈现类比论证的推理过程,及其所涉及到的相关知识结构。从语用维度上看,类比论证受到多种因素影响,类比论证的建构者只有充分考虑各种语用因素,才能使类比论证具有更强的可接受性。 Analogical argument,which is of unique effect,is a pervasive method of argumentation.It imposes significant influence on people's activities,including learning,cognition,communication,and innovation.Analogical argument,whose course is of great probability,relies upon similarity-based analogical reasoning.The application of abductive reasoning,extended predicate calculus and conceptual mapping could formally represent the analogical argument to some extent,which would help to describe and present its reasoning course and its related knowledge structure.From the angle of pragmatic dimension,analogical argument is subject to the influence of different factors.Therefore,only when its constructor take various pragmatic factors into full consideration,could the analogical argument become more acceptable.
出处 《重庆理工大学学报(社会科学)》 CAS 2011年第8期48-52,共5页 Journal of Chongqing University of Technology(Social Science)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(11CZX052) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(09YJCZH109)
关键词 类比论证 形式表征 语用维度 analogical argument formal representation pragmatic dimension
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