

Short-term Capital Inflow Shocks and Capital Control in Emerging Market Economies
摘要 世界经济复苏及各国货币政策的双重不同步加剧了当前全球范围内的资本流动,尤其是对新兴市场国家造成了严重冲击。为应对境外短期资本的大规模涌入,新兴市场国家被迫采取了各种临时性资本控制措施。本文在文献和历史回顾的基础上,结合现实因素,对短期资本流动趋势及新兴市场国家实行资本控制的动机、手段及有效性进行了分析,并针对中国提出了对策建议。 The asynchronous paces of global economic recovery and the staggering adjustments of monetaryp olicies around the world have greatly boosted the global capital flows.While some leading developede conomies are still unwilling to withdraw their over-easy monetary policies,more and more emergingm arket economies are obliged to introduce capital control measures to curb massive capital inflows.T his article,based on a historical perspective,analyzes the trend of current global capital flows as wella s the motives,means and effectiveness of capital control measures of emerging market economies.Ita lso puts forward some policy suggestions for China's decision-makers.
作者 刘涛 周继忠
出处 《国际经济评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期139-151,共13页 International Economic Review
基金 上海财经大学研究生科研创新基金项目的支持
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