
促进中国非常规天然气资源开发的政策思考 被引量:31

Policies for promoting the development of unconventional natural gas resources in China
摘要 为加快推进中国非常规天然气开发利用的步伐,在借鉴美国成功经验的基础上,归纳了中国非常规天然气资源开发现状,分析了中国非常规天然气资源潜力与前景,结果认为:未来10~20年,中国非常规天然气产量将显著增长,成为全国天然气储量、产量增长的主要来源之一,对保障全国天然气供应将起到日益重要的作用。同时指出了中国非常规天然气开发面临的问题与挑战:①过去的垄断体制不利于资源开发市场方兴未艾的竞争;②非常规天然气矿权问题突出,监管政策明显滞后;③财税扶持政策不完善,不利于页岩气开发;④缺乏核心技术体系,技术瓶颈突出;⑤天然气价格偏低,制约非常规气开发利用;⑥管网建设滞后,缺乏公平入网机制;⑦基础工作薄弱,资源情况不清楚;⑧环境约束明显,环境保护任务艰巨。最后提出了相关政策思考和建议:①深化改革,稳步有序放开上游市场,强化市场监管;②明确页岩气新矿种地位,实行一级管理;③落实好现行扶持政策,调整完善优惠政策体系;④加强关键技术研发,尽快突破技术瓶颈;⑤加强基础工作,制定规范和标准;⑥加强国际合作与交流,加快产业化示范区建设;⑦未雨绸缪,加强非常规天然气开发的环境保护;⑧加强管网等基础设施建设,促进非常规天然气开发利用;⑨深化气价改革,不断完善天然气价格形成机制。 By comparing the successful experiences from the U.S.unconventional gas development and utilization,this paper first overviews the developing status of unconventional natural gas resources in China.Then through an analysis of its potential and prospect,it concludes that in the next one to two decades,the unconventional natural gases will become the main source of natural gas reserves and contribute to the surge of gross cumulative gas production,therefore,playing an increasingly important role in the guarantee of national gas supply.However,the following problems and challenges are still to be faced up with:(1)The previous administrative monopoly control restricts the still growing competition in the resource development and marketing.(2)Regulatory policies obviously lag behind due to the conflicting mining rights for the development of unconventional natural gas resources.(3)Imperfect finance and taxation policies can not support the shale gas development.(4)The bottleneck problems become highlights for lack of core technical support.(5)The rather low natural gas prices have already hindered the development and utilization of unconventional gas resources.(6)There is lack of a fair system for the admission to the pipe grid,the infrastructure of which is lagging far behind.(7) Resource reserves have not been discovered yet because of poor fundamental work.(8) The task of environmental protection is a hardship.In the end,this paper presents some suggestions.(1)The reform should be deepened to open the upstream market in an orderly and steady way and the market supervision should be strengthened.(2)The new position of the shale gas mining right is clarified by one-level management.(3)A preferential policy system should be adjusted and completed with robust policy support.(4)The core techniques should be studied and developed to tackle those bottleneck problems.(5)Regulations and standards should be issued to strengthen the fundamental work.(6)International cooperation and communication should be encouraged to develop more industrial demonstration areas.(7)Environmental protection should be highlighted before any possible hazards occur.(8)The infrastructure construction,of the pipe grid for example,should be completed to promote the development and utilization of unconventional natural gas.(9)Reforms on gas prices should be deepened to have a perfect gas pricing system.
出处 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期1-6,131,共6页 Natural Gas Industry
基金 国家能源局2010年度能源软科学研究课题<中国非常规天然气开发政策研究>的部分成果
关键词 中国 非常规天然气 开发现状 资源潜力 发展前景 问题与挑战 政策建议 China,unconventional natural gas,development status,resource potential,developing prospect,challenge,policy,suggestion
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