[目的]探讨干旱对高羊茅萌发的胁迫效应。[方法]采用PEG-6000对14个高羊茅品种种子进行模拟干旱胁迫,研究干旱胁迫对高羊茅萌发的胁迫效应。[结果]高羊茅14个品种的相对发芽率均随干旱胁迫的加剧而降低,且在水势为-0.6 MPa时有明显的转折点;高羊茅种子萌发相对发芽率与干旱胁迫呈线性关系:Y=70.412X+103.11,r=0.988 8,耐旱适宜的水势范围为≥-0.40 MPa,半致死水势为-0.76MPa,致死水势为-1.33MPa。爱瑞3、交战Ⅱ和翠碧A是抗旱性较强的品种;贝克、强劲和爆发力是抗旱性较弱的品种。[结论]为干旱地区牧草栽培和抗旱育种提供了理论依据。
[Objective] The aim was to explore the effects of drought stress on germination of tall fescue.[Method] Simulation drought experiment on 14 varieties of tall fescue seeds by PEG-6000 researched its germination effect under drought resistance.[Result] The relative germination rate of all tall fescue varieties declined with intensifying drought stress level with the water potential of-0.6 MPa as the turning point;the relative germination rate of tall fescue existed linear relationship with drought stress: Y = 70.412X + 103.11,r=0.988 8.The sensible water potential range was ≥-0.40 MPa for tall fescue under drought stress.LC50 of water potential was-0.76 MPa,the lethal water potential was-1.33 MPa.Arid Ⅲ,Crossfire Ⅱ and Traple A had stronger drought resistant ability,but Pixie,Infero and Poppoint had weaker drought resistant ability.[Conclusion] This study had provided reference for cultivated pasture and drought resistant breed.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences