
97例手足口病患儿的临床观察与护理分析 被引量:9

摘要 目的:针对手足口病患儿的临床表现,探讨有效的护理措施。方法:采取我院自2009年3月~2010年9月收治的97例手足口病患儿,分为对照组48例与实验组49例,其中实验组进行积极有效的临床观察与护理分析,采取隔离护理、常规护理、口腔及皮肤护理、心理护理、并发症护理等措施进行护理治疗,对照组则仅进行常规治疗。结果:实验组中,49例患儿在住院期间除1例患者因病重需转院外,其余48例患者全部痊愈出院,对照组中,4例患儿因严重并发症转上级医院治疗,其余45例患者全部痊愈出院。结论:采取积极有效的临床护理是该病治疗的关键,对提高该病治愈率非常重要。 Objective:For children with hand,foot and mouth disease clinical performance measures of effective care.Methods:in our hospital from March 2009 to September 2010 97 patients were treated child patients with HFMD,the active and effective analysis of clinical observation and nursing care,and isolation care,routine care,oral and skin care,psychological care,Complications of care measures for nursing treatment.Results:97 children were no cross-infection during hospitalization or repeated infections occur,of which 1 patient switch to a higher level because of serious complications,hospital treatment,and the remaining 96 cases were all cured.Conclusion:Take positive and effective treatment of clinical care is the key to the disease,the cure rate is very important to improve the disease.
作者 张妮娅
出处 《医学信息(中旬刊)》 2011年第9期4551-4552,共2页 Medical Information Operations Sciences Fascicule
关键词 手足口病患儿 护理 疱疹 HFMD patients Nursing Herpes
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