

摘要 目的:探讨乳腺癌保留乳房手术的方法及临床疗效。方法:将我院2007年1月至2008年1月收治的60例乳腺癌患者随机分为观察组26例和对照组34例,观察组行保留乳房根治术,对照组行改良根治术,比较两组患者的局部复发率、远处转移率及3年生存率。结果:观察组局部复发率、远处转移率及3年生存率分别为7.7%(2/26)、7.7%(2/26)、96.2%(25/26);对照组分别为8.8%(3/34)、11.8%(4/34)、94.1%(32/34),两组比较无显著性差异,P>0.05。结论:保乳根治术治疗乳腺癌安全、可靠,同时具有良好的美容,临床应用中要严格掌握其适应证。 Objective:To investigate the methods breast retain breast surgery and clinical curative effect.Methods:will be our hospital from January 2007 to January 2008 60 cases of breast cancer patients were randomly divided into trial group and control group 26 cases of 34 patients,the observation group did,the control group did keep breast cancer underwent improved,compared with two groups patients underwent local recurrence rates,distant metastasis rate and 3-year survival.Results:The observation group local recurrence rates,distant metastasis rate and 3-year survival separately for 7.7%(2/26),7.7%(2/26),96.2%(25/26);The control group for 8.8 percent respectively.(3/34),11.8 percent (4/34),94.1% (32/34),two groups of comparisons no significant differences,P0.05.Conclusion:The breast cancer underwent treatment safe,reliable,and has good hairdressing,clinical applications must strictly grasp its indication.
作者 梁福美
出处 《医学信息(中旬刊)》 2011年第9期4657-4658,共2页 Medical Information Operations Sciences Fascicule
关键词 乳腺癌 保乳术 疗效 Breast cancer The breast augmentation Curative effect
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