
短语理论视角下的英语教师课堂话语探究 被引量:32

EFL Teacher Talk Analysis in the Perspective of Phraseology Theory
摘要 本文借鉴语料库短语理论的视角,采用计算机自动切分词语块的方法,对比2001年实施英语基础教育新课程改革之前和之后20余万词次的中学英语课堂教师会话语料。通过对高频四词语块的语言形式、意义和功能的分析,揭示课堂教学理念的更新和转变。研究发现,课改以来英语课堂教学的师生互动明显增强,教师更多关注在外语学习中对学生认知思维的指引,而且教学指令正在从规约型向探究型发展。在研究方法上,本文证实了"机切"语块作为语料库视角下短语单位诸多形态中的一种,其高频的呈现模式具有形式和语义的典型范式,并且能够诠释其中隐含的思想意识。 Enlightened by phraseology theory of corpus linguistics, this study adopts an automatic retrieval of 4-word bundles from a 210,000-word EFL teacher talk database which was collected before and after the EFL education reform starting in 2001. Analysis is made on bundles with high frequency in terms of form, meaning and functional patterns, results of which are interpreted into teaching ideology renewal. It is found that teacher-talk in classes after the reform has greatly enhanced interaction between teachers and students, offering more guidance in students' cognitive development and shifting teaching mode from prescriptive to explorative. Moreover, this methodology proves that recurrent lexical bundles in oral speech can be regarded as one mode of phrasal unit in corpus linguistic perspective, as they are patternized and meaningful in revealing user's ideology.
作者 何安平
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期23-29,共7页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
基金 国家社科基金项目(编号09BYY067)资助
关键词 短语理论 四词语块 教师话语 课程改革 phraseology theory 4-word bundles teacher talk education reform
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