
数吸引对英语主谓一致影响的实验研究 被引量:5

Study of Number Attraction Effect on English Subject-Verb Agreement among Chinese Learners of English
摘要 英语主谓一致在构建过程中涉及到复杂的心理加工,因而是我国英语学习者常见错误之一。本研究从大学英语中等水平学习者中抽取样本,采用"二选一正误判断+反应时测量"实验范式,探索主语中心词为个体与集体名词情况下数吸引对该类学习者加工英语主谓一致的影响。研究结果显示,数吸引词不仅干扰主谓一致加工的准确性,而且导致正确加工的反应时延长,具有强效应幅度;在两类主语同时携带数吸引词的条件下,数吸引效应使集体中心词效应不再明显。我国大学中等水平英语学习者群体倾向于采用线性加工心理机制处理较为复杂的主语结构,而非比较高级的层级加工心理机制,因而导致主谓一致加工错误较多。 The construction of subject-verb agreement in English involves complicated cognitive processing and thus often elicits mistakes in English production among Chinese learners of English. This experimental research, by adopting a two-choice response time paradigm, explores number attraction effect and the cognitive mechanism involved in English S-V agreement processing on the part of middle level English learners in Chinese universities. The results show that number attraction effect leads to the prolonged response time in correct judgment and the lower accuracy in S-V agreement processing, having strong effect size; the negative effect caused by collective head noun in the subject is neutralized in the presence of the number attractor compared with the cases of singular heard noun; and the students at the middle English level incline to process English information in a .serial way instead of the hierarchical way.
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期42-46,共5页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
基金 新世纪广西高等教育教学改革工程立项项目(桂教高教[2008]151号)成果之一
关键词 数吸引 主谓一致加工 反应时 准确性 认知机制 number attraction S-V agreement processing response time accuracy cognitive mechanism
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